Other News Articles
- Joint Submission - Treasury Laws Amendment (Tax Incentives and Integrity) Bill 2024 31-01-2025
- Joint Submission - LCR 2021/2DC and TR 2010/1DC2 29-01-2025
- NTAA Submission - 2024 NTAA TPB (I) D57-2024 submission 22-11-2024
- NTAA submission - Denying Deductions for Interest Charges Exposure Draft Legislation 16-10-2024
- IGTO systematic reviews: draft work plan 04-10-2024
- Joint submission - Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Amendment (Measures No. 2) Determination 2024 03-10-2024
- A message to the Government from Australia’s taxation professionals 05-09-2024
- NTAA submission - Review of registration eligibility requirements 15-08-2024
- Joint letter to Minister - Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Determination 2024 16-07-2024
- Joint submission - Draft TPB(I) D53/2024 – Breach reporting under the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 04-06-2024
- NTAA comments and concerns regarding CAL 24-05-2024
- NTAA's 2024/25 Federal Budget Summary 15-05-2024
- Watch the NTAA's 2024/25 Federal Budget Summary Video
- Join Submission - Enhancing the Tax Practitioners Board’s sanctions regime 05-02-2024
- Joint Submission - Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Determination 2023 29-01-2024
- NTAA Submission - Securing Australians’ Superannuation Budget 2023-24 Consultation Paper October 2023 01-11-2023
- Treasury Laws Amendment (Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions) Bill 2023 16-10-2023
- NTAA’s submission in relation to Exposure Draft Treasury Laws Amendment (Measures for Consultation) Bill 2023: Non-arm’s length expense rules for superannuation funds. 05-07-2023
- Joint Bodies Submission: Senate Economics Legislation Committee – Implementation of the Government’s response to the review of the Tax Practitioners Board 19-04-2023
- NTAA submission - Consultation paper (Better targeted superannuation concessions) – proposed 15% additional tax for individuals with superannuation balances exceeding $3 million 17-04-2023
- NTAA submission on proposed changes to the NALI rules 22-02-2023
- Joint Submission: Treasury - TPB reforms Exposure Draft 20-01-2023
- NTAA Submission - Skills and Training and Technology Investment Boosts 15-12-2022
- NTAA response to the ATO’s Practical compliance guidelines for section 100A – Additional draft green zone examples 11-10-2022
- Consultation on draft guidance - Exposure Draft TPB Information Sheet TPB(I), D48/2022, TPB(I) D47/2022 TPB(I) D49/2022 and D50/2022 28-09-2022
- Member update: non-arm's length income and expenditure rules 01-06-2022
- Second Submission - Draft Practical Compliance Guideline (‘PCG’) 2022/D1 Section 100A reimbursements – ATO compliance approach 02-05-2022
- MONTHLY TAX TIP — Accessing concessional LAFH benefits 14-03-2022
- Super changes and full expensing 12-month extension now law 14-03-2022
- Submission - Draft Practical Compliance Guideline (‘PCG’) 2022/D1 (the ‘Guideline’) Section 100A reimbursements – ATO compliance approach 09-03-2022
- Joint Submission: Superannuation Non-Arm’s Length Income Rules 01-02-2022
- Consultation paper - Streamlining transfer balance cap ('TBC') event-based reporting arrangements for Self-Managed Super Funds ('SMSFs') 17-01-2022
- New Stapled Superannuation Funds rules introduced – information for employers 12-11-2021
- NTAA comments on TR 2021D5 (Vacant Land) 14-09-2021
- Clarification for accountants assisting clients to make insurance claims 10-05-2021
- NTAA comments and feedback - Vacant Land measure proposed Law Companion Ruling 04-02-2021
- Submission - Extension request for December 2020 JobKeeper declaration and JobKeeper 2 decline in turnover form 27-01-2021
- Education and training expense deductions for individuals 22-01-2021
- NTAA submission - Miscellaneous amendments to Treasury portfolio laws 2020 16-11-2020
- NTAA submission - Temporary loss carry back rules for eligible companies 13-10-2020
- The JobKeeper Stimulus Package 31-03-2020
- Coronavirus economic response package - income support 30-03-2020
- Request for a three month blanket extension 18-03-2020
- Discussion Paper - TPB D1/2020 - Continuing professional education requirements for tax practitioners under the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 18-03-2020
- NTAA Coronavirus Summary 12-03-2020
- NTAA Submission - LCR 2019/D3 - Non-arm's length income - expenditure incurred under a non-arm's length arrangement 25-11-2019
- TPB Submission - Review of the Tax Practitioners Board - Discussion Paper July 2019 02-10-2019
- NTAA engagement letter 01-07-2019
- NTAA submission - 72-hour complaint resolution process 13-05-2019
- NTAA Submission - Review of Tax Practitioner Board 23-04-2019
- Key messages from the TPSG 01-04-2019
- NTAA Submission - Targeted amendments to the Division 7A integrity rules 21-11-2018
- NTAA Submission - Enhancing the integrity of tax deductions in relation to vacant land 01-11-2018
- Three-yearly audit cycle for some self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs') - NTAA submission 21-09-2018
- NTAA does not support proposal to change SMSF annual audit requirements 28-05-2018
- Single Touch Payroll discussion paper – NTAA Submission 16-03-2015
Watch the NTAA's 2024/25 Federal Budget Summary Video
15th May 2024
Download: 2024-25_Budget_Handout.pdf