Other News Articles
- Joint Submission - Treasury Laws Amendment (Tax Incentives and Integrity) Bill 2024 31-01-2025
- Joint Submission - LCR 2021/2DC and TR 2010/1DC2 29-01-2025
- NTAA Submission - 2024 NTAA TPB (I) D57-2024 submission 22-11-2024
- NTAA submission - Denying Deductions for Interest Charges Exposure Draft Legislation 16-10-2024
- IGTO systematic reviews: draft work plan 04-10-2024
- Joint submission - Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Amendment (Measures No. 2) Determination 2024 03-10-2024
- A message to the Government from Australia’s taxation professionals 05-09-2024
- NTAA submission - Review of registration eligibility requirements 15-08-2024
- Joint letter to Minister - Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Determination 2024 16-07-2024
- Joint submission - Draft TPB(I) D53/2024 – Breach reporting under the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 04-06-2024
- NTAA comments and concerns regarding CAL 24-05-2024
- NTAA's 2024/25 Federal Budget Summary 15-05-2024
- Watch the NTAA's 2024/25 Federal Budget Summary Video 15-05-2024
- Join Submission - Enhancing the Tax Practitioners Board’s sanctions regime 05-02-2024
- Joint Submission - Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Determination 2023 29-01-2024
- NTAA Submission - Securing Australians’ Superannuation Budget 2023-24 Consultation Paper October 2023 01-11-2023
- Treasury Laws Amendment (Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions) Bill 2023 16-10-2023
- NTAA’s submission in relation to Exposure Draft Treasury Laws Amendment (Measures for Consultation) Bill 2023: Non-arm’s length expense rules for superannuation funds. 05-07-2023
- Joint Bodies Submission: Senate Economics Legislation Committee – Implementation of the Government’s response to the review of the Tax Practitioners Board 19-04-2023
- NTAA submission - Consultation paper (Better targeted superannuation concessions) – proposed 15% additional tax for individuals with superannuation balances exceeding $3 million 17-04-2023
- NTAA submission on proposed changes to the NALI rules
- Joint Submission: Treasury - TPB reforms Exposure Draft 20-01-2023
- NTAA Submission - Skills and Training and Technology Investment Boosts 15-12-2022
- NTAA response to the ATO’s Practical compliance guidelines for section 100A – Additional draft green zone examples 11-10-2022
- Consultation on draft guidance - Exposure Draft TPB Information Sheet TPB(I), D48/2022, TPB(I) D47/2022 TPB(I) D49/2022 and D50/2022 28-09-2022
- Member update: non-arm's length income and expenditure rules 01-06-2022
- Second Submission - Draft Practical Compliance Guideline (‘PCG’) 2022/D1 Section 100A reimbursements – ATO compliance approach 02-05-2022
- MONTHLY TAX TIP — Accessing concessional LAFH benefits 14-03-2022
- Super changes and full expensing 12-month extension now law 14-03-2022
- Submission - Draft Practical Compliance Guideline (‘PCG’) 2022/D1 (the ‘Guideline’) Section 100A reimbursements – ATO compliance approach 09-03-2022
- Joint Submission: Superannuation Non-Arm’s Length Income Rules 01-02-2022
- Consultation paper - Streamlining transfer balance cap ('TBC') event-based reporting arrangements for Self-Managed Super Funds ('SMSFs') 17-01-2022
- New Stapled Superannuation Funds rules introduced – information for employers 12-11-2021
- NTAA comments on TR 2021D5 (Vacant Land) 14-09-2021
- Clarification for accountants assisting clients to make insurance claims 10-05-2021
- NTAA comments and feedback - Vacant Land measure proposed Law Companion Ruling 04-02-2021
- Submission - Extension request for December 2020 JobKeeper declaration and JobKeeper 2 decline in turnover form 27-01-2021
- Education and training expense deductions for individuals 22-01-2021
- NTAA submission - Miscellaneous amendments to Treasury portfolio laws 2020 16-11-2020
- NTAA submission - Temporary loss carry back rules for eligible companies 13-10-2020
- The JobKeeper Stimulus Package 31-03-2020
- Coronavirus economic response package - income support 30-03-2020
- Request for a three month blanket extension 18-03-2020
- Discussion Paper - TPB D1/2020 - Continuing professional education requirements for tax practitioners under the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 18-03-2020
- NTAA Coronavirus Summary 12-03-2020
- NTAA Submission - LCR 2019/D3 - Non-arm's length income - expenditure incurred under a non-arm's length arrangement 25-11-2019
- TPB Submission - Review of the Tax Practitioners Board - Discussion Paper July 2019 02-10-2019
- NTAA engagement letter 01-07-2019
- NTAA submission - 72-hour complaint resolution process 13-05-2019
- NTAA Submission - Review of Tax Practitioner Board 23-04-2019
- Key messages from the TPSG 01-04-2019
- NTAA Submission - Targeted amendments to the Division 7A integrity rules 21-11-2018
- NTAA Submission - Enhancing the integrity of tax deductions in relation to vacant land 01-11-2018
- Three-yearly audit cycle for some self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs') - NTAA submission 21-09-2018
- NTAA does not support proposal to change SMSF annual audit requirements 28-05-2018
- Single Touch Payroll discussion paper – NTAA Submission 16-03-2015
NTAA submission on proposed changes to the NALI rules
23rd February 2023
Treasury recently released a consultation paper outlining proposed amendments to the non-arm’s length income provisions.
The NTAA has made a submission to Treasury providing alternative amendment options and we have also signed a joint professional body ‘open letter’ to the Minister for Financial Services on the matter.
Click here to view the NTAA's Submission
Click here to view the Joint professional body ‘open letter’ to the Minister for Financial Services
Click here to view the Joint Statement from the professional bodies.