2023 Preparing Clients for the new $3m Super Cap
Part of our Hot Spots Seminar Series.
Draft legislation has been released on the NEW 15% earnings tax for clients with a superannuation balance exceeding $3m.
These reforms will fundamentally affect superannuation advice being provided to wealthier clients right now!
In our 2 hour presentation, we walk you through the proposed new rules and identify how clients will be affected by the new 15% earnings tax.
We examine the important administrative issues you need to understand.
We also highlight important planning strategies to maximise a client’s retirement savings when preparing for these reforms.
Topics include:
- How is a client’s superannuation balance calculated under the NEW $3m cap?
- How are earnings for an income year calculated under the NEW $3m cap?
- Administrative issues to consider with the $3m cap
- Critical planning strategies in the lead up to the NEW $3m cap